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国籍 科特迪瓦 母语英语 精通语言 兴趣标签历史考古、文化艺术、哲学宗教、人类学

2005-2009, University Félix Houphouet-Boigny of Abidjan , Doctorate in History; 

2010-2018, University Félix Houphouet-Boigny of Abidjan , Professor (Lecturer); 

1."The Chinese cultures and the African cultures: similarities and differences", in African Magazine of Anthropology of Félix Houphouët-Boigny Abidjan-Cocody university, EDUCI , n°21, 2016, pp.185-203.

2."The religious dynamics of the Islam in Ivory Coast in the colonial time" in Annals of the University Abdou Moumouni of Niamey Niger, Faculty of human arts and sciences, Tome XV, 2017, pp.33-44.

3.“The slaves in the traditional societies in Africa between XIX and XXe century : origins, values and social functions” in Journal of CERLESHS, University Press of Ouagadougou, University of Ouagadougou, n°50, Tome XXX, November, 2015, pp.47-72.

4."The western colonizers and the African traditional religions: 1885-1945" in Journal Ivorian History (RIH) of Félix Houphouët-Boigny Abidjan-Cocody university, EDUCI n°21, 2012, pp.5-18.

5."History of the Catholicism in sénoufo country of Ivory Coast 1904-1977", Saarbrücken (Germany): European University Editions (EUE), 2017, 217 p.

6."Ethnicity and social crisis in Ivory Coast under Félix Houphouet-Boigny. Focus on majors facts of the history" in Magazine of LAASSE, Abidjan, n°7, 2016, pp.129-146.

7."The high catholic hierarchy of Ivory Coast face to national political stakes 1960-2011" Under the direction of Lado Ludovic in "Central and western Africa in the XXI th century : cross looks, challenges and perspectives", Paris : Karthala, Abidjan : editions of CERAP, 2016, pp.139-180.  

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