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  • Dar alnahda alarabia

    国家: 埃及 网站: www.daralnahda.com 成立时间:1960
    Dar alnahda alarabia was issued in 1960 and it is a publishing house concerned in publishing law , mass media ,ecnomics and history books it published in more than 65 years over 3500 title for more than 2300 author all over the Middle East.
  • Alam Al Kotob

    国家: 埃及 成立时间:1959
    Alam Al Kotob was founded in November 1959, and was founded by Mr Youssef Abdul Rahman Ali, may God have mercy on him, and made a double effort to make this publishing house a name among the large names of the industry that were bright in the publishing sky when he founded this house.
  • International Language bookshop

    国家: 埃及 成立时间:1975
    International Language bookshop, Egypt, was founded in 1975 for the prime purpose of supplying and distributing books, to meet out the rising demand of procuring and delivering latest books from leading publishers worldwide. Since then, International Language Bookshop tradition of quality and excell

    国家: 埃及 网站:www.aboudi-bookstore.com 成立时间:1909
    AboudiBookstore of the oldest and largest bookstores in the historic city of Luxor, having begun business in 1909.
  • Admon Printing Company

    国家: 蒙古国 网站:www.admon.mn/ 成立时间:1998
    自1998年以来,Admon成立了自己的印刷厂,并成长为拥有150名员工的集团公司,拥有自己的出版社、书店等。 ADMON is not only a printing company, but also the first company in the world to meet the current quality standards of Mongolia, bringing together all types of printing services that enjoy the most prestige in the printing industry.
  • Munkhiin Useg Printing Company

    国家: 蒙古国 网站:munkhiin-useg.mn/ 成立时间:1991
    Munkhiin Useg 是蒙古最大的印厂,于1991年成立,当时拥有两家小型印厂。目前公司员工规模达到290人业务扩展到图书出版和发行,印刷品服务,包装等。Bolor Sudar出版社是Munkhiin Useg的子公司。 “Munkhiin Useg” LLC was established in 1991 in Khutul city of Selenge aimag and has been expanding its production and operations in Ulaanbaatar since 1996. Munkhiin Useg LLC has been op
  • Selenge Press

    国家: 蒙古国 网站:selengepress.mn/
    Selenge Press是蒙古最早成立的印刷公司之一,虽没有中国作品出版,但该出版社近年来一直积极寻求于中国合作的机遇。 “Selengepress” LLC is one of the first companies established in the field of printing industry in Mongolia and is a leader in the industry with its stable operations, reliable partnership and world-class technology.
  • Soyombo Printing Co.,Ltd

    国家: 蒙古国 网站:www.soyomboprinting.com 成立时间:2000
    成立于2000年,为蒙古多个合作机构提供高质量的印刷服务,其代表作品由于蒙古出版社合作出版的《四大名著》、《狼图腾》、《汉蒙词典》。 “Soyombo Printing” LLC has a great experience that operated in the printing industry constantly for the last 20 years. The main vision of our company is to contribute our best in the development of the Mongolian printing industry a
  • 大象出版社

    国家: 中国 网站:www.daxiang.cn 成立时间:1983-12-01
  • 星球出版社

    国家: 中国 网站:http://www.starmap.com.cn/ 成立时间:1993-7
    星球地图出版社成立于1993年7月,是经国家新闻出版总署批准成立的中央级专业地图出版社,由军委联合参谋部政治工作局主管,军委联合参谋部战场环境保障局主办。主要任务是出版国防和社会需要的各类地图,军民两用专题性地图,测绘知识及相关的军事与科技类读物,中小学图册教材及教学参考书。 星球地图出版社始终坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务、为军队建设服务的方针,充分发挥军事测绘的信息、技术、人才和资源优势,共编制出版4000余种各类地图、图册和图书,共发行10亿册(张)。有100余种图书分别荣获中华优秀出版物奖、优秀地图作品裴秀奖金奖、国家科技图书奖、中国人民解放军图书奖、总参优秀图书奖、全国优秀畅销图书