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Ediciones Era

Editorial Offices, Mérida 4, Colonia Roma, Cuauhtémoc 06700 Mexico City Mexico


国家: 墨西哥 成立时间:1996年 机构类别:出版原创 网站: www.edicionesera.com.mx


Ediciones Era S.A de C.V was founded in 1960 and for fifty years it has been one of the most important Mexican publishing houses. Throughout its life it has published novel, poetry, short story, chronic, history, social sciences, art, and children’s and young adult books. Currently its catalogue is composed of more than four hundred titles, it publishes around twenty new ones every year and numerous reprints. Its catalogue has been consolidated as one of the most important in the world of publishing in Spanish, and it includes the majority of the best writers in our country that had been publishing their works during the last half century such as Elena Poniatowska, Carlos Monsivaís, José Emilio Pacheco, Carlos Fuentes, Octavio Paz, Juan Rulfo and many others that have already become classics.