一、项目介绍 Ⅰ. Program Introduction “新汉学计划”博士项目是由中国教育部中外语言交流合作中心(简称“语合中心”)支持的重点项目之一。自2013年设立以来,该项目已培养七百余名优秀青年汉学家。在语合中心支持下,依托本校“新汉学计划”博士的培养经验与语言类研究专业优势,北京语言大学将于2022年8月举办2022年预选营活动,旨在为有意来华攻读语言研究类博士学位的国际学生提供短期研修课程,为其申请“新汉学计划”博士项目、从事学术研究给予在语言文化知识、学术研究能力与项目申报流程等方面的指导。 The China Studies Program for doctoral students is one of the key programs supported by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (shortened as CLEC). This program has fostered around 700 young sinologists since its establishment in 2013. BLCU has accumulated rich experience in training doctoral students attending China Studies Program and advantages on language studies. Supported by CLEC, BLCU will hold the preliminary camp in August 2022, providing short-term courses for international doctoral students who intend to pursue language studies in China, and offer guidance on China Studies Program application and academic research in terms of providing language and cultural knowledge, research ability and program application procedures, etc. 本届研修班的主题为“语言架桥,交流共进”,涵盖汉语国际教育、语言学、翻译学等三个专业领域,由北京语言大学承办。北京语言大学是中国唯一一所以对来华留学生进行汉语、中华文化教育为主要任务的国际型大学,素有“小联合国”之称。从事汉语国际教育和中华文化教育历史最长,规模最大,师资力量最雄厚,且具备先进的线上课程技术加持,能够为项目顺利开展提供学术与技术支撑。迄今为止,学校已经为世界上180多个国家和地区培养了近30万名懂汉语、熟悉中华文化的外国留学生。 This preliminary camp is held by BLCU under the theme “Bridged by Languages, Joined by Exchanges” and covers three professional areas, namely Chinese international education, languages and translatology. It is the only international university in China prioritizing the teaching of Chinese language and culture to international students. It is thereby known as the Mini-UN. It has the longest history and largest scale in Chinese international education and Chinese culture teaching, the most professional teachers and most advanced technologies for online courses. The academic and technical support will ensure the success of this program. Up till now, BLCU has trained almost 300,000 foreign students who are proficient in Chinese and familiar with Chinese culture from more than 180 countries and regions. 二、课程特色 Ⅱ. Course Features 本次预选营计划按照专业方向将学员分成汉语国际教育、语言学研究、翻译三组,通过专业讲座、小组讨论、博士研究计划写作培训等形式,为营员提供学术发展路径的指引和必要支持。 This preliminary camp will divide members into three groups: Chinese international education, languages and translatology. It will provide guidance and necessary support for their academic career path via lectures, group discussions and research proposal writing courses for doctoral students. 三、教学团队 Ⅲ. Faculty 教学团队由多领域知名专家教授组成,包括汉语语言学、现代汉语教学、商务汉语教学、社会语言学、翻译学等领域一线专家教授。 The faculty is consisted of famous experts and professors from diverse fields, including those leading in Chinese language studies, modern Chinese teaching, business Chinese teaching, sociolanguages, translatology. 四、项目形式(线上) Ⅳ. Program Mode (Online) 1.学术专题讲座; 2.对话分享活动; 3.研究计划和学术论文写作培训。 1.Academic lectures 2.Discussions and speeches 3.Research proposal and academic essay writing courses 五、项目时间 Ⅴ. Period 北京时间2022年8月15日— 8月19日,具体安排见课程表。 From August 15th to August 19th, 2022. Please see the schedule of courses for more details. 六、授课语言 Ⅵ. Medium of Instruction: 中文授课 Chinese 七、报名须知 Ⅶ. Notes to Applicants (一) 招生对象 1. Prospective students 1. 非中国公民; 2. 对国际汉语教育、语言研究、翻译学感兴趣; 3. 已获得硕士学位,或硕/博士研究生在读,有意申请“新汉学计划”博士项目者; 4. HSK5级及以上相当水平。 1.Non-Chinese citizens 2.Those interested in Chinese international education, language studies and translatology 3.Graduates with master’s degrees, postgraduates or doctoral students who intend to apply for the China Studies Program 4.HSK5 or above ★ (二)申报时间: 2. Application Deadline: 截至北京时间2022年8月10日。 August 10th, 2022 (Beijing Time) ★ (三)提交申请 3. Documents for Application 请参考《操作手册》登录 http://www.chinese.cn/page/#/pcpage/new_service 在线注册报名。 Please refer to the Enrollment Guide of Preliminary Camp for Doctoral Students Attending China Studies Program and visit http://www.chinese.cn/page/#/pcpage/new_service to complete online registration ★ (四)结业标准 4. Completion Criteria 1. 参加项目课程与学术活动,出勤率85%以上; 2. 课程结束后两周内提交3000字结业报告; 3. 报告发送至邮箱xinhanxueblcu@blcu.edu.cn 1.Participate in program courses and academic activities with attendance rate over 85%. 2.Submit a 3000-word completion report within 2 weeks after the conclusion of the courses. 3.Send the report to the Email: xinhanxueblcu@blcu.edu.cn ★ (五)结业收获 5. Program Gains 1. 各专业学术前沿信息; 2. 如何获取学术资源、撰写博士研究计划; 3. 优秀学员将获得“新汉学计划”专家推荐信; 4. 课程顺利完成并考核合格,将获得结业证书。 1.Frontier academic information on different majors. 2.Ability to acquire academic resources and write PhD research proposals. 3.Recommendation letters from China Studies Program for outstanding students. 4.Eligibility for certificate if successfully finish all courses and pass examinations. 八、联系我们 Ⅷ. Contact Us 北京语言大学国际教育管理处/孔子学院工作处 邮箱:xinhanxueblcu@blcu.edu.cn 电话:+86-(0)10-82303328 请符合报名条件的国际学生,扫描二维码,加入微信群。 BLCU International Education Management Office/Confucius Institute Office Email: xinhanxueblcu@blcu.edu.cn Tel: +86-(0)10-82303328 For eligible international students, please scan the QR code below and join the WeChat group.