To Cite This Article
Seio Nakajima. 2021. “Studies of Chinese Cinema in Japan”. Journal of Chinese Film Studies 1 (1): 167 – 186.
1 Abstract and Keywords
Abstract: Japanese interests in Chinese cinema go as far back as to the 1910s, when film magazines reported on the situation of Chinese cinema. Discussions of Chinese cinema began to flourish in the 1920s, when intellectuals wrote travelogue essays on Chinese cinema, particularly on Shanghai cinema. In the mid-1930s, more serious analytical discourses were presented by a number of influential contemporary intellectuals, and that trend continued until the end of WWII. Post-War confusion in Japan, as well as political turmoil in China, dampened academic interestss of Japanese scholars inon Chinese cinema somewhat, but since the re-discovery of Chinese cinema in the early 1980s with the emergence of the Fifth Generation, academic discussions on Chinese cinema resumed and flourished in the 1980s and the 1990s. In the past decade or so, interesting new trends in studies of Chinese cinema in Japan are emerging that include more transnational and comparative approaches, focusing not only on film text but the context of production, distribution, and exhibition. Moreover, scholars from outside of the disciplines of literature and film studies—such as cultural studies, history, and sociology—have begun to contribute to rigorous discussions of Chinese cinema in Japan.
Keywords: China, cinema, film, history, Japan
2 A Glimpse of This Article
This paper provides a concise review of the evolution of studies of Chinese cinema in Japan, starting at the very beginning of the 20th century until the present. Although not in the strict format of academic studies, Japanese interests in Chinese cinema go as far back as to the 1910s, when film magazines reported on the situation of Chinese cinema.
Early Encounters (1910s-1920s)
The first section describes the earliest encounters of Japanese interests with Chinese cinema during the 1910s to the 1920s.
War Time Engagements (1930s-1940s)
The second section details the War-time conditions of Japanese studies of Chinese cinema.
Post-War Period (1950s-1970s)
The third section explores the situation of studies of, and interests in, Chinese cinema in Japan in the post-war period of the 1950s to the 1970s.
Re-discovery of Chinese Cinema (1980s-1990s)
The fourth section discusses the “re-discovery” of Chinese cinema in Japan, when the so-called the Fifth Generation of film directors made a meteoric rise in the world cinema scene.
Contemporary Trends (the late 1990s-Present)
The fifth section examines contemporary trends since the late-1990s to the present.
3 About the Author
中岛圣雄 | Seio NakajimaWaseda University
Seio Nakajima teaches sociology and Asian studies at the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University. He has conducted organizational analyses of the Chinese film industry, as well as ethnographies of Chinese film audiences and consumption.
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